
            School shootings and intruders in schools is something that terrifies many. However, as a teacher, you have to prepare for the worst. These incidents have brought many questions to light that people are addressing now like school safety. Taking the right steps toward creating a safer, but also comforting environment is key. Increasing school safety will ultimately prevent future incidents of shootings or intruders which will result in less lives lost. With all the attention placed on school shooting, safety in schools has ultimately increased. 

            Since the Newton Shootings that occurred in December 2012, there have been 44 school shooting incidents which have resulted in 28 deaths. With the threat of school shootings, schools have increased their safety standards in order to prevent future shootings. For example, between the years of 2011-2012, 88 percent of public schools monitored and controlled access to their school. In addition to that, 44 percent of schools admitted to locking and controlling gates during their school hours, 24 percent used to drug sniffing dogs, and 19 percent required school uniforms. Also, on average, public schools used higher safety measures than private schools.

            Security cameras also became more prominent in the wake of these school shootings. About 64 percent of public schools and 41 percent of private schools utilized cameras in their schools. Other forms of security included controlling who enters the building during school hours, enforcing students to wear ID badges, metal detector checks, book bag inspections, and more. Overall, schools took school shootings seriously and decided to do something about it. The safety of the schools is very important and the measures schools have taken will hopefully prevent shootings or other tragedies in the future. 

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