Changes Needed

It saddens me as a future educator that our students live in a world where fear is everywhere. The news is filled with all the tragedy and terror in the world; especially all the news coverage of school shootings and other school violence. Today’s youth is forced to face the scary fact about what could happen to them, even in their own school. With all the violence, schools need to make a positive, safe environment for students to reach their full potential.

While in school, students need to feel emotionally, physically, academically, and socially safe in order to learn. It can be hard for students to understand why shootings and other violent acts occur, especially in school. The feeling of not understanding can be very uneasy to some. It is scientifically proven that academic performance is linked to a safe school environment. Not only does it help with academic performance, but a safe learning environment will also lead to less behavioral or emotional problems. With less behavioral or emotional problems, there will be a decrease of violence within the school.

Ultimately, schools need to be a safe place for students. Without the feeling of safety, academics suffer. Many schools have changed their policies and procedures based on past school tragedies. However, the environment of the school should be surrounded with positive energy, not fear. In order for students to grow to their full potential, they need feel safe and secure in their own school.  

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